
Saturday, September 6, 2008

what's this? what's that?

so we finally realized james is saying "What's this?" while pointing at an object-- it just sounds more like "wah sis?" or "wah za?"... so we then tell him what each object is and he dutifully repeats the word to the best of his toddler abilities:

guitar = "tah"
sock = "sah"
ball = "ah" or "al"
shoes = "oohs"

he also "says" things that remarkably sound like words even tho they're just noises:
"help me!" (at the pediatrician's getting his shots)
"hot tea" (Grandma Mary Lou was enjoying a cup)

he understands simple commands: throw the ball to mama, go get the ball, more food? (either looks back eagerly or ignores and pushes my hand away), arms up (for taking off clothes), sit down to put on your shoes, and of couse NO!

he loves the train-- whenever we hear the horn, he gets really still as he listens and then his eyes light up and he holds up his arms to be picked up... we then run outside and wait in our driveway to see the choo choo train go by-- he loves it everytime!

and i swear he's had a growth spurt because he can suddenly see the lock on top of the baby gate and he's started playing with it-- luckily it takes a lot of strength to pull UP on the gate to actually make it open... i just don't remember him being able to see the top of the gate before-- he's actually tall enough to reach the door handles but he's not paying any attention to them yet!

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