well, we're certainly getting our money's worth at daycare-- we get all the germs we could possibly ever desire (in the month James has been there he's had an ear infection and then on Tuesday at 3am i had to take him to the ER for a bad case of croup that developed during the night) but it's also paying off big time for James' early developmental education... James is a veritable sponge of learning these days:
he's in love with trashcans (he loves anything that opens and closes)... he kept pointing to the baggy with his dirty diaper in it today and saying "dasth" ("trash") so we took it out to the "dasth da" ("trashcan") to throw it away... on the way back i said "okay mommy needs to wash her hands now"... James then proceeded to push up his sleeves and hold out his hands so we could wash his hands too!
i then poured a glass of chocolate soy milk (trying to wean him)... he toddled over to a straw he'd been playing with earlier but had ditched on the floor, picked it up, and brought it over to my glass and put the straw in... best yet, he actually took a couple sips and didn't spit it out like usual!
he's in love with trashcans (he loves anything that opens and closes)... he kept pointing to the baggy with his dirty diaper in it today and saying "dasth" ("trash") so we took it out to the "dasth da" ("trashcan") to throw it away... on the way back i said "okay mommy needs to wash her hands now"... James then proceeded to push up his sleeves and hold out his hands so we could wash his hands too!
i then poured a glass of chocolate soy milk (trying to wean him)... he toddled over to a straw he'd been playing with earlier but had ditched on the floor, picked it up, and brought it over to my glass and put the straw in... best yet, he actually took a couple sips and didn't spit it out like usual!
he loves exploring the garage so i left the door open as i was getting his lunch together... but then things got quiet... i peeked into the garage and there was James, sitting calmly in his stroller waiting for me to get a clue and take him for a walk!
he's also starting to point out body parts when prompted: when trying to find his belly button, he'll pull the neck of his onesie open and peer down to see it... but my favorite is "nose"... his aim is so good he sticks his finger up his nose everytime!
and this was all in one day, ladies and gentlemen!
1 comment:
He's not only cute - he's brillant too! What a cutie pie! He will be a health boy in school building up those antibodies! I love the nose one! That's funny! It's amazing to watch them learn and grow everyday! I miss him so much!
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