
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary mommy & daddy!

note to self, take more pictures of just mommy and daddy... i literally could only find 3 photos of just Corey & i from the past 7 months... most are of one of us with James, a few have all 3 of us... interesting how that happens, hmm?

to celebrate our 3 years of matrimony, Corey & i took the drunk bus (euphemistically called the Fair Shuttle that we quickly discovered was just a ferry for drunk college students and rednecks) to the Mid-State Fair in Paso... we enjoyed an evening as husband and wife while Grandma & Grandpa Goodwin watched James... we had fun eating fair food (i went off The Diet and had a hamburger with the bun-- gasp!-- and a cinnamon roll... and for those of you who doubt the sensitivity of James' allergies, yes, he reacted horribly but seems to be recovering pretty quickly) and listening to Alan Jackson play at the grand stand... overall a pretty successful anniversary :-)

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