
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

James' 12 month check-up

We saw the pediatrician yesterday-- he said James is growing at a normal rate and appears quite healthy and happy. He's barely gained any weight but the doctor said that was normal, especially for a baby who started walking so early. We're going to really focus on solid foods with James (especially since we need me to start working part time) and I've made the decision that I should probably start weaning him now too... makes my heart very heavy but by the time we finish, I'll have been without dairy products and byproducts for a year and without wheat, egg, peanut, and citrus/fruits for half a year-- not that long in the whole scheme of things but it sure feels like an awfully long time at this point... here are James' current stats:

Height: 30 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs. 9 oz. (20th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47cm (75th percentile)

he also got two more shots and although he cried two or three humongous sobs, he was fine once the nurse left the room

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