
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cate's Words at 19 months

Cate has so many new words it's hard to keep up with it, but some of my favorites include:

"Nana" for banana
"Mee" for blankie
"Meemees" for jammies
"Jmss" for James
"Behgees" for veggies
Daddee & Mommee (she rattles this off is sentences)
"Heh-woah" for hello as she holds a phone to her ear
"Dow" for down (and for up on most occassions)
"Wa" for water
"Meh" for milk
"Ktee" for kitty
"Boohbah" for football (LOVES the football)
"Peepee" and "poopoo" (she's fascinated with the bathroom and James keeps informing us we need to get his little potty out for her to use)
"Ba" for bath
"Eerrs" for ears, "eyes", "noh" for nose, "ha" for head/hair (and she points to each body part as you go through them)
"Daw" for dog (and she can point them out)
"Brsh" for brush (either for hair, teeth, or a la Ariel she uses her fork)
"Two" while holding up two items of the same thing

Fun to compare to James' words at the same age.

She completely understands everything that's going on and follows conversations. If Corey talks about running to the store with James, she toddles to the door for her "shoooss" so she won't get left behind (if she does, she erupts into tears). She adores "baybees" (babies) as well as strollers and anything else with buckles (high chairs, carseats, etc.). She loves to read books before bed and rock in the rocking chair. She also still loves food, favoring veggies and anything bursting with flavor (salsa, special sauce, you name it, it's gotta have flavor). Fun little girl!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Glad to see some updates!