*ahem* so you may have noticed it's been a wee while since we've last updated (like an entire month, i can hardly believe it) but the last post got interrupted while loading photos so a boatload of new images got dumped (rather disheartening)... i've also been sick for 2 weeks now (never had time to be sick so i developed ear and eye infections), traveled to PA to surprise my sis for her birthday, and am starting a new job tomorrow (darn economy)...
will try to get photos up soon of the past month... and then of course will have to post a few from Mark & Lora's wedding this weekend too :-)
James had his 15 month appt today and i'm proud to say he's finally grown a bit:
height: 32 inches (80th percentile)
weight: 22 lbs 10 oz (25th percentile)
head: 47 cm (50th percentile)
yay for weight gain! (well, for babies anyway)
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