James' vocabulary expands each week with another word-- last week "tuck" (such a boy, loves trucks and dutifully points out every single truck we pass)... this week "choo choo"... living across the street from the train tracks has its advantages apparently-- anytime we hear the sound of the horn in the distance James gets perfectly still as he listens, then his eyes light up and he looks directly at me with arms up and says "choo choo"... we run outside and wait (and wait and wait if it's a freight train) for the train to come by and we wave at it... James loves the train
we also get a lot of planes flying overhead and although he hasn't mastered "plane" yet, he will always look to the sky and point them out... he also knows one semi-verb "stuck" (comes out more like "shtuh")
he's getting a lot better with pointing out body parts (thanks to Donna our day care provider)-- "where's your hand?" (points to left palm), "where's your foot?" (looks down and points at foot), "where's your belly button?" (tries to peer over his rounded belly in attempt to see his belly button)
he's starting to do that cute toddler thing where he leans down and peers between his legs looking at the world upside down (hilarious to see in action!)... he love love loves the outdoors so our backdoor is always open and thanks to our good friends Carrie & Adam we have a cool fort for James to climb on... we also recently went to the farm and went for a ride on the quad (see photos)... anytime he wants to go for a walk he brings me my shoes ("shss") and brings Corey his hat and raises his arms to be picked up... boy he has us trained!
and we might actually be making slow but steady progress on the allergy situation... finding out he's deathly allergic to peanuts still has us reeling and having to remember an epipen wherever we go seems odd... but at least we know... his skin is also looking darn near perfect since we've gotten a lot more difinitive answers on some of his allergies... we're thinking of doing a rotation diet for him for his "lesser allergies" (apples, pears, corn, etc.) since it seems he can tolerate small doses of each one... we'll continue to stay away from dairy, wheat, and citrus, but it looks like we might've gotten the all clear for egg so we're going to test that this week-- how exciting to be told he can eat something... oh, and looks like he's also negative for cat dander too which is good because our daycare lady has a cat and we really didn't want to have to pull James out if we could avoid it
1 comment:
Wow Ellen, maybe you should go into journalism. I mean that as a compliment! Your photos are beautiful, I love the close ups. I am just getting into this blogging stuff and have created my own blog so I now can track yours, Kevin and Natalie's and David and Courtney's. Such fun!!
Love to you and the boys (Corey & James)
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