
Thursday, July 17, 2008

ok, who set my clock to warp speed?

how can some days feel so long yet an entire year seems to have passed in a minute? my mind can't quite wrap itself around the fact that one year ago today my little baby boy was born-- phenomenal!

well, little baby boy no more-- he's a toddler through and through these days... he's been walking for 2.5 months now and is curious about everything... he waves hi and bye-bye (unless he's too mesmerized with the people he's supposed to be saying hi and bye to)... he gets excited any time he sees a "brd" (bird in james-speak) and squeals any time he sees a "dgee" (doggie)... and i think he even says "all" for ball but maybe that's just my mommy interpretation working overdrive... he's getting pretty good at mimicing sounds as Aunt "Jdee" can attest to (that was so cool when he said that back in June!)... the only sad thing is "dada" seems to have fallen off the speech radar-- poor Corey!

here's a little slideshow of the past year-- i can't imagine what this new year is going to bring!

Happy 1st Birthday James!


Anonymous said...

Wow...already a year, time does fly by. He is such a cute little boy - you must be a proud Mama.
And yes since I stopped "topping her off" at night we get at least 8 hours a night :) thanks for the advice!

Anonymous said...

Where are the party pictures? I keep looking on your site waiting to see James on his 1st birthday!

Love you!