
Friday, April 25, 2008

on comments and relativity

i just wanted to let everyone know that i do in fact read your comments and enjoy your responses to our weekly events... Judy, you are no stranger to allergies so i'm sure you can sympathize with our plight and understand what we're up against... Aly, you are the 2nd person to suggest chiropractics to help resolve the allergies so i think i'll have to look into it... and Eileen, we think along the same lines because i had sudden visions of a peanut lodged in my son's throat far before i contemplated the possibilities of anaphlatic shock... oh, and i think there might be dairy, not wheat, in lima beans ;-)

and while we're on the subject of allergies, just thought i should mention that the allergen free diet is going tolerably well right now... i made myself some to die for oatmeal raisin cookies and i think i should get a gold star for actually managing to make them allergen free without making them edible free as well... granted, had to use some Out There ingredients (ever heard of eggless egg substitute?) but am finding i'm becoming quite educated about food-- did you know that buckwheat is a total misnomer and that it's not a grain at all and therefore doesn't contain any wheat gluten? well now you do and you can thank me later

but it's gotten me thinking (that's where Corey usually pipes up with a loud "Uh-oh")... 6 months ago i thought someone would have to be completely nuts to willingly exclude vast amounts of our valid food supply for the sake of continuing nursing... it just seemed like a taller task than i could ever handle

6 months ago soy yogurt was gritty and dusty tasting... now it's the creamiest thing i can possibly imagine... delectable even

6 months ago i thought you can't possibly survive without wheat products and dairy products AND egg products... there just wouldn't be any food left on the list of things we humans can eat if you did that... come to find out there's tons of food out there to enjoy (not just eat) but our society is so caught up in burgers and pizzas and french bread and cookies and pasta and ice cream and okay now i'm making myself hungry...

when i focus on what i can eat it's really no big deal at all... so rather than thinking of this as an elimination diet, i'm focusing on it being an additive diet where i start with veggies, fruits, fish, meats, and rice as my baseline and i can add in other pecular items like quinoa, buckwheat, eggless egg substitute, etc... i've been jonesing for baked treats lately (hence the brave but luckily successful attempt at cookies) so i have big plans for banana pancakes this weekend-- wish me (and Corey) luck!

well, there, this website is becoming less and less about James and more and more mama's own personal diary... with the pages flipped wide open for the world to read (yeah, all 4 of you)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the heck is QUINOA? Good attitude Ellen! I have a sugar addiction. I need to eliminate refined sugar from my diet and I think I will be a more "even mannered" person (Dean could tell you stories!) Dean's cousin is vegatarian, so her daughters have grown up on hummus, lentils, and lots of other amazingling delicious foods. For them it was the norm because that is what they grew up eating from day one, they will try anything. So James is going to grow up with a much healthier attitude toward food. Good job Mommy Ellen!

Love you!