
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'member when...

Instead of posting photos with every entry I think I need to start jotting down memories as they occur-- I have a long list of things I've been meaning to take note of on here but I rarely have an opportunity to sit down at the computer and upload photos so I'm going to try posting snippets instead and adding photos later.

James has the most amazing memory I have ever encountered in a child before. He easily remembers things from 6 months ago without any prompting from us. It's gotten to the point where Corey & I have started checking with each other to see if we're the ones prompting his reminiscing but more often than not he's pulling from his own memory. Today the two us went shopping after work so it was dark and foggy out and he started with "member when daddy and I used to go to the gym? I don't member the way because it's dark out. There's bumpy arrows next to the gym" and he kept going on and on about he and daddy going to the gym. I'm wracking my brain trying to think what gym he's referring to because Corey and I both have been way too lazy for way too long to have a gym in our lives. But James kept insisting it was a gym and I felt bad for not understanding because I was obviously the weak link in the conversation here.

I finally asked Corey when he got home and he immediately knew-- he and James used to take a daddy and me sports class at a gymnasium located near where we went shopping. The class ended before summer and we haven't really talked about it since (especially not recently). And it was dark and foggy out yet he still recognized the direction and had a sense of where we were in town.

That kid just amazes me every day!

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