
Sunday, November 29, 2009

so many things to be thankful for

So many things to be thankful for every day but especially so this November-- 2 healthy kids that make us laugh and smile every single day. All 4 of James' 2 year molars are in (which hopefully will put a stop to his nighttime screams of pain) and he's constantly chatting up a storm. A few samples:

"Holy Smokes!"

"I wan fwashwight Chrissmas, seein my room" (I want a flashlight for Christmas so I can see in my room when it's dark at night)

"Wha doing? Wha's tha called?" (wants to know what everything is so he can learn the new words)

"Finity beyon!" (To Infinity and Beyond! as daddy throws him across the room onto our bed)

"tookies" (two cookies)

"I'm makin big muscles" while doing tricep push-ups while leaning against the counter, just like daddy does while leaning against his weight bench... he loves to work out with daddy!

he also recently discovered the birthmark on the back of his leg (looks like a light colored thumb print) and he tried to wipe it off with a washcloth-- silly boy!

Cate wiggles and moves everywhere (can rotate 180 degrees while laying on her back) but she seems to have forgotten how to roll over because she hasn't done it in awhile... oh well, i'm sure she'll do it again... she loves to bat at her toys and adores chewing on her shirt or especially the socks we put on her hands at bedtime so she can't slice her face to pieces (other than "Cueball", her other nickname is "Cate Scissorhands").... and since her 4 month appointment isn't until she's almost 5 months old, I decided to take some unofficial 4 month measurements:

Weight: 16 lb. (90th %tile)
Hieght: 25.5 inches (90th %tile)

For comparison, James at 4 months old was 27 inches tall (97th percentile for boys) and weighed almost 16 lbs. as well (75th percentile for boys). That would explain my little girl's chubby wubby thighs-- so squishable!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

I love the "to infinity and beyond!!" Too sweet! Such beautiful babies! Can't wait to see you in a few days!!!!!

Love, E