Oh my babies bring me so much joy!
James is practically speaking in paragraphs now and we have full on conversations with him now. I was cooing to little miss Catherine calling her by her full name and James piped up with, "That's Cate. Not Catherine". He repeated it several times to make sure his dunce of a mother knew his sister's correct name.
I'm trying to get the most out of my "vacation" and the last remnants of summer by going to the swimming pool and Corey took James to a CalPoly football game and soccer game-- James was a total sourpuss at the football pre-game bbq and it turned out he was upset because we kept telling him we were going to watch football but we took him to a boring bbq instead (who needs food when there are sports to watch!). He totally brightened up at the game and is convinced CalPoly is the funnest place on earth (what with the football and soccer games, the football practices, the bowling alley, etc.).
Cate is rolling onto her side and still really hates tummy time. She's a swing addict and can't (or won't) nap unless she's in it or in mama's arms. James was the same way. We should buy stock in D batteries for that darn motorized swing...
She also absolutely adores her big brother-- she always gets a big smile and squeal when she hears his voice and looks for him in the room. James still thinks she's the coolest new toy mommy and daddy ever got him and always wants to see her in the morning and give her hugs and kisses.
James' allergies seem to be pretty well under control thanks to the probiotics and the fact he doesn't trust anything, including foods he used to like but we weaned out of his diet due to the allergy concern. Cate seems to have a lot of the same food allergies but thank goodness not all of them-- just wheat, dairy, egg, tomato, and we also suspect soy. We've tested each one and she breaks out every time so mama is avoiding those foods as well for the time being. I really wonder if she'll be as fearful of food as well or if it'll be easier when introducing foods because we know what to avoid now. Should be interesting.
I just can't get over how much James has grown. As I hold Cate and teach her to sit and play with toys I look at James and can hardly believe it was 2 years ago he was the same way and now here he is talking and walking and jumping and teasing-- it doesn't seem that long ago he was just a little baby in my arms.
1 comment:
How can it go so quickly! They are so cute! I love how you say, Cate has some of James' allergies, but not many, just ...... and list a pageful! not many! Poor babe! Funny what becomes normal for you isn't it! For me it's Suzanne bumping into and banging off of everyone and everything! Silly Pin Ball!
Love, Eileen
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