
Saturday, August 29, 2009

almost can see the finish line...

well, it's official, Corey & i both passed all our archictectural written exams!! now in most states we'd be architects but, no, california has it's own idea how to run things... we're now signed up to take the California Supplemental Exam (aka the "orals") sometimes next year-- yes, you read that right, it's going to take until next year for the next opening to be available! nevertheless, it still feels good to not have to worry about those written exams anymore! woohoo!

in other news, it's been 105 degrees the last couple days which is downright ridiculous without air conditioning... luckily these days only occur once or twice a year so hopefully life will be more comfortable in another day or so... Cate's a smiling ham these days and James is loving being a big bro...

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Congrats to the architects! I'm so happy for you both! and Your beautiful family!

Love you!