
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

All smiles...

What else could melt a mother's heart? I love it when I walk into the room and Catherine hears my voice, searches for my face, locks eyes with me, and then smiles & coos--totally makes up for the sleepless nights and smelling like baby spit up! What a doll!
And James is such an amazing big brother-- he's always gentle with Cate and always wants to know where she is if she's not in the room. He loves to help out and be a part of family activities and talks about it later with his expanding vocabulary, "I see Cate haba bath". You can see a little bit of the redness on her face in the photo above-- so far I've eliminated egg and dairy (and saw immediate improvement) but think I need to eliminate wheat next (the bumps are still very tight and cover her entire scalp and chest/neck-- James had the exact same thing and by his 2 month appointment it was full blown eczema).

Speaking of appointments, Cate had her 1 month check-up yesterday. Here are her stats:

Weight: 10 lbs. 8 oz. (90th percentile)
Height: 22.5 inches (94th percentile)
Head Circumference: 37.75 cm (70th percentile)

And last night she only woke up once between 8pm & 6:30am-- hope it's a growing trend!


Natalie said...

OMG, Katherine looks just like Corey! Hope the allergy stuff goes away.
PS It is nice having you not work because now you update your blog often!

Eileen said...

I love James hand on Cate's head! So sweet!

Love, Eileen