
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Allergy to dog dander confirmed

Corey took James to the park yesterday and there were a couple doggies there. James adores dogs and always wants to play with them and pet them. Usually the dogs just lick his face but today one of them brushed his tail against James' face. About an hour later Corey noticed some hives forming (looked like white welts) on the right side of James face and his eyelid looked puffy. James started fussing and rubbing at his face and his eye began to swell shut. We immediately gave him a dose of his Rx antihistimine and then gave him a bath (which you can see he thouroughly enjoyed).
Two hours later after his nap his eye is still a bit swollen so we gave him another half a dose of meds. Luckily this morning he's completely cleared up again. Bad news is, if you own a dog (a non hypo-allergenic dog, that is) we aren't going to be able to visit you anytime soon :-(
Here he is yesterday morning before "the incident". I was beginning to think all that allergy testing was a bunch of hooey but now I'm not so sure-- seems there is some truth to it. I shudder to think what would happen if he was exposed to peanuts.

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