
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Houston, we have a top tooth

The sound of baby teeth grinding together is such a shoulder cringing, toe curling sound, lemme tell ya. Tooth #4 finally popped through yesterday-- poor kid, I've been watching his upper gums swell and recede for the past couple weeks but he finally had relief as the upper left front tooth sliced its way through his tender little gummies. And looks like its neighbor will be popping through in a few days too. Ouchies.


Anonymous said...

Aw, the lovely sound of grinding teeth. Wait until he realizes it makes you cringe and then does it on purpose and laughs at you. Or is that only Michael?
Aunt Judy :-)

Ellen said...

LOL i can totally see Michael doing that as a kid! what a little turkey he was (and is)! heehee! :-)