
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tooth numero duo?!?

Two teeth in 3 weeks?!? Poor little kidlet! Was just poking around looking at James' 1st tooth (bottom left front) and realized I can see the bottom right one just below the gums-- looks like that will be breaking through in another day or so. Mama was right for once-- all the signs were there but still wasn't 100% sure (drooling like a faucet, slight diaper rash, mild fever). My little boy has 2 teeth and he's barely 6 months old!

1 comment:

Aly said...

Ellen, Corey & James!

What an outstanding collection of video clips and pictures! Sssss-wwweeetttttt!

Are you able to back all this up on a personal drive/DVD so you can put this precious collection into James' baby book?

Much love always,

Aly & Family